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Crestinul egiptean care a chemat numele lui Isus si Numele celor 21 de martiri crestini egipteni din Libia
Barbatul care a strigat “ISUS!!!” inainte de a fi decapitat. Walid Shoebat spune ca toti au spus “Domnul meu, Isus!” in unison inainte de a fi decapitati. Vezi mai jos. Photo Catholic
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Chiar si sub ascutisul sabiei, unii dintre ei se rugau ultimele rugaciuni iar in timp ce ascutisul lamei cadea pe gaturile lor, toti au strigat in unison “Ya Rabbi Yasou” (O My Lord Jesus) (O, Domnul meu, ISUS), a declarat subtirarea de pe videoclip a lui ISIS ,,acestia au insistat sa ramana in necredinta”. Cu alte cuvinte, li s-a dat optiunea sa se converteasca la islam sau sa moara si fiecare din ei a refuzat, chiar pana la moarte.
ENGLISH: Even under the blade, some were making their last prayers and as the blade came to their neck they all cried in unison “Ya Rabbi Yasou’” (O My Lord Jesus) the caption by ISIS stated “these insisted to remain in unbelief”. In other words, they were given the option to convert or die and everyone of them refused, even unto death.
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”
— Revelation 12:11
Ei l-au biruit prin sângele Mielului şi prin cuvântul mărturisirii lor, şi nu şi-au iubit viaţa chiar până la moarte.
– Apocalipsa 12:11
Martirizati in Sirte, Libia:
Numele crestinilor ucisi de ISIS au fost publicate pe Twitter de Bishopul Anba Ermia de la Biserica Coptica, si traduse in Engleza de catre avocatul Mai El-Sadany din Washington D.C.
Numele crestinilor egipteni executati:
ENGLISH: The names of the slain Christians were released by the Coptic Church’s Bishop Anba Ermia on Twitter, and translated into English by D.C.-based lawyer Mai El-Sadany.
Names of executed Egyptians:
- 1. Milad Makeen Zaky
- 2. Abanub Ayad Atiya
- 3. Maged Solaiman Shehata
- 4. Yusuf Shukry Yunan
- 5. Kirollos Shokry Fawzy
- 6. Bishoy Astafanus Kamel
- 7. Somaily Astafanus Kamel
- 8. Malak Ibrahim Sinweet
- 9.Tawadros Yusuf Tawadros
- 10. Girgis Milad Sinweet
- 11. Mina Fayez Aziz
- 12. Hany Abdelmesih Salib
- 13. Bishoy Adel Khalaf
- 14. Samuel Alham Wilson
- 15. Worker from Awr village
- 16. Ezat Bishri Naseef
- 17. Loqa Nagaty
- 18. Gaber Munir Adly
- 19. Esam Badir Samir
- 20. Malak Farag Abram
- 21. Sameh Salah Faruq
Martirizati in Sirte, Libia:
,,Soldatii apartinand Statului Islamic au capturat 21 de crestini activisti,” a afirmat o declaratie eliberata de Statul Islamic, la care au adaugat si un set de fotografii al ostaticilor.
Rapirile au inceput in 29 Noiembrie a anului trecut cand sapte barbati crestini identificati sub numele:
ENGLISH: “Soldiers of the Islamic State captured 21 Christian crusaders,” a statement from the Islamic State said, accompanied by a set of photos of the hostages.
The kidnappings began on November 29 of last year when seven Christian men,identified as
- Samuel Wilson,
- Ezzat Boshra Nasseef,
- Luke Nagaty,
- Essam Badar Sameer,
- Malak Farag Ibrahim,
- Sameh Salah Farouk, and
- Gaber Munir Adly
au fost luati si dusi in apropierea orasului libian, Tripoli.
La mai putin de o saptamana dupa aceasta, pe data de 3 Decembrie, barbati inarmati au luat cu asalt o casa plina de muncitori crestini si au rapit inca 13 barbati, identificati sub numele:
ENGLISH: were taken near the Libyan city of Tripoli.
Less than one week later, on December 3, armed men stormed into a house full of Christian workers and kidnapped 13 more men, identified as
- Maged Shehata Solaiman,
- Abanoub Ayad Ateyya,
- Yousef Shukry Yunan,
- Hani Abdel Massih Saleeb,
- Kirrolos Boshra Fawzi,
- Milad Makeen Zaky,
- Makram Yousef Tawadros,
- Samuel Estafanous Kamel,
- Bishoy Estafanous Kamel,
- Mena Fayez Aziz,
- Malak Ibrahim Sinewt,
- Girgis Milad Sinewt,
- Bishoy Adel Khalaf.
Pe langa aceastia, o fetita egipteanca de 14 ani a fost deasemenea luata, cu toate ca locul unde este sau conditia in care se afla ea nu se cunoaste in momentul de fata. Jim Jacobson de la Organizatia Libertatea Internationala a Crestinilor (CFI) a spus ca el crede ca fata a fost fortata sa se converteasca la islam si sa se marite cu un militant musulman.
Asa dupa cum a fost raportat de colegul nostru de lucru de la CFI din Cairo, “In zorii diminetii de marti, Decembrie 23, islamisti inarmati si mascati, au asaltat un complex de apartamente ce apartine unei familii crestine egiptene din Sirte, Libia, si au impuscat mortal pe doctorul Magdi Sobhi Tawfika si pe sotia lui Sahar Talat Rizk. Musulmanii militanti au rapit-o pe cea mai mare fiica a lor, cu numele de Catherine Magdi Sobhi, care are numai 14 ani” – a spus Jacobson. ,,Militantii au lasat singure pe celelalte doua surori mai mici, Carla, de zece ani si Carol de noua ani, cu trupurile parintilor omorati, si au fugit.”
ENGLISH: In addition, a 14-year-old Egyptian girl has also been taken, although her whereabouts and condition are currently unknown. Jim Jacobson of Christian Freedom International says that he believes the girl was forced to convert to Islam and marry a Muslim militant.
“As reported by our CFI coworker in Cairo, ‘On Tuesday dawn, December 23, armed masked Islamic militants stormed a housing apartment of an Egyptian Christian family in Sirte, Libya, and shot dead Doctor Magdi Sobhi Tawfika and his wife Sahar Talat Rizk. The Muslim militants kidnapped the eldest daughter, Catherine Magdi Sobhi, who is just 14-years-old,” Jacobson said. “The militants left alone two other siblings, 10-year-old Carla, and 9-year-old Carol, with the bodies of their murdered parents and fled.’”